The vast county of marsabit in Kenya is silently battling  a dangerous environmental breakdown due to the human activities right at the heart of the county, in dabel area of moyale sub-county. The frustrated drought-hit locals from as far as the Ethiopian border are crowding on the narrow area digging in search of Gold. This happens after a massive drop and failure of their small businesse  like those of "mama mboga" and brokers whose fate have been killed by the prolonged drought. 

Not forgetting that this is the same place where green vegetation and water for even domestic use is a long gone story due to  drought, everyone is still optimistic that their struggle for precious gold will one day bear fruits.Digging deeper quarries where they hardly get even particles or dust containing the componets. They still never give up!

An estimate of only two out of twenty people on a quarry manage to grab a gram or two of  gold,which is so risky for already dry land being destroyed to infertility during the time of rain. With the worsening state of drought and Famine, human activity as such is  deserting the land.Meanwhile, the proportion of the benefit it has is much less than the danger and disadvantage it has to the enterprise the environment that serves the people and livestock around.

 Cutting down of trees with no replacement just to clear up space for digging up in search of Gold, exposing the productive layer of the earth making it useless ever after hence encouraging more drier deserts that will no longer support vegetation growth come rain,making innocent residents shift miles away in search of greener pasture for their animals & farming activities. 

In addition,these already dug quarries after use are life threatening for the livestocks and people living around the places, for instance, during the time of rain, the running water fills up the holes and most of the time  causes accident for both animals and locals who falls into them for lack of keen specity and it's numerous numbers. It also changes the shape and label of the land leaving it ugly and less attractive for settlement.

Finally,the government at the moment is urged to try save that worthy piece of land which adverse problems & challenges are being encountered day in day out by the poor locals. Particularly, for the ministry of environment, it should be of great concern defending the life of one single tree cut down just for no distinctive reason and no replacement at all.proper knowledge about the importance of environments should be put in measure to let people weigh the value of natural vegetative land more than the short lived and rare minerals as such.i also recommend that a corresponding supportive plan be accorded to the poor ground eating locals to help them stand this trying moment and save their land's utility for decades ahead. 

                                             By habiba Bontore



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