
Showing posts from January, 2023


                Photo courtesy of facebook .  Is the constituency Development Fund (CDF)  the new way to loot? Is it that urgent than the drought money? The MPs boycotted meeting for three days because of cdf money not disbursed saying that they don't  have any compromise to face their constituants at home while there are counties around ten listed suffering the worst drought ever.  The government recently alarmed that they need approximately 2billions to fight the drought menace while the MPs claiming to be given the same 2billions as CDF.These same money is to be used for bursaries to students whose parents can't afford even food for them. The pastoral communities migrated further due to drought and about 400,000 students will be missing education but the MPs are insisting for the CDF money not regarding who benefits from this money.the opaqueness is real!  The CDF money is used for development in the constituency like bursaries for the needy students, building of classrooms,


  The vast county of marsabit in Kenya is silently battling  a dangerous environmental breakdown due to the human activities right at the heart of the county, in dabel area of moyale sub-county. The frustrated drought-hit locals from as far as the Ethiopian border are crowding on the narrow area digging in search of Gold. This happens after a massive drop and failure of their small businesse  like those of "mama mboga" and brokers whose fate have been killed by the prolonged drought.  Not forgetting that this is the same place where green vegetation and water for even domestic use is a long gone story due to  drought, everyone is still optimistic that their struggle for precious gold will one day bear fruits.Digging deeper quarries where they hardly get even particles or dust containing the componets. They still never give up! An estimate of only two out of twenty people on a quarry manage to grab a gram or two of  gold,which is so risky for already dry land being destroyed t